What’s in a pimple?

The life cycle of a pimple begins around 2-3 weeks before it appears on the surface of the skin. It starts in your sebaceous hair follicles, or pores when the glands which are located at the base of hair follicles, become overactive.  The sebaceous glands make an oily substance called sebum that empties onto the…

Why use a pimple popper?

Why use a pimple popper?

Why use a pimple popper when you have been getting by popping your spots with your fingers all this time? Why do you need a special tool to do something so easy? Because a pimple popper makes sense. It’s professionally designed for popping pimples, after all. It’s quick, hygienic, and accurate. There’s less chance of swelling,…

Types of Pimple

Types of Pimple

It’s not pleasant but it’s important to take a look at the different types of pimple. They are a more varied bunch than you might think and it can be helpful to understand the differences. The most common types of pimple: Whiteheads A whitehead pimple is a small lump that forms when dead skin cells,…

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