Simple pimple remedies

Why use a pimple popper?

If you are suffering from spots you need some simple pimple remedies you can rely on. There are more expensive creams making big promises or you can rely on tried and tested, time honoured techniques.

Use a proper pimple popper – a comedone extractor. Beauticians and dermatologists use the real deal to handle acne. The loops on either end fit over the spots, either large or small, blackheads or whiteheads. With gentle pressure it safely and cleanly pops the spot. It’s much more hygienic than using your fingers, which can be dirty and introduce bacteria to the spot and make it worse.

If you are keen to keep your pimple remedies all-natural we have information on blackhead treatment without chemicals. Popular natural pimple remedies include lemon juice or apple cider vinegar as a wash or topical treatment. The acids in lemon juice and the vinegar help dry out the skin to stop pimples in their tracks.

Prevention is better than cure and you can do your best to avoid pimples in the first place by drinking plenty of water, using the right products for your skin type and keeping your stress levels down. Sometimes, too much washing or with the wrong products can actually make skin worse. If the skin is dried out it can start making more oil in response. So you need to moisturise well too, even if it seems counter-intuitive.

Stress can play havoc with your hormones – which are a major cause of breakouts. Finding the time to unwind and getting at least eight hours sleep a night will help keep your mood and your skin on an even keel.

You can get all the pimple remedies and beauty supplies you need from Clear Confidence Co. So you can treat your pimples and treat yourself to a manicure or an exfoliating scrub at the same time.

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