Cotton wool balls and their amazing uses for personal care, beauty and so much more

Fluffy little cotton wool balls might not look too exciting or multifunctional. But their cloud-like appearance hides a multitude of uses.

The many amazing uses of cotton wool balls

Cotton wool balls, like their unsung friends the ear buds, are so versatile. Some people prefer cotton pads but it’s worth having some cotton wool balls around too.

The balls have a loose, open texture. So they are great at holding liquids. Toners, cleansers, nail varnish remover – all liquids work great with cotton balls.

For the same reason they are also great at cleaning up messes.

There’s lots of first aid uses for cotton wool balls too. Wipe away blood or put pressure on a little cut. Dab on antiseptic or clean up a messy area. It’s definitely having a few cotton balls tucked away with your plasters.

They are so soft they are lovely to use for babies as well. Clean between little fingers and toes or hygienically apply cream. Throw a few cotton balls in the nappy changing bag and you won’t regret it.

It’s much easier to pull a ball apart if you only need a smaller amount of cotton wool. Or you can pack a few in together for a bigger ball.

They also work great all around the house. For gentle cleaning or getting into tough to reach areas. Applying spot treatment or buffing up a polish. Rubbed in a petroleum jelly they even work great on the barbecue as cheap fire starters.

Whatever you use them for, Clear Confidence Co has a great value large 100 pack of cotton wool balls.

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