Is Pumice Stone Good for Skin?

Is pumice stone good for skin?

Using a pumice stone is a great way to rid yourself of dry, rough, and dead skin. Some people have their reservations about using pumice stones, that they’re too sharp and abrasive. This is the point of a pumice stone but it is true, improper handling can quickly become problematic!

Pumice stones are naturally formed rocks originating from volcanoes. They have been used in construction and manufacturing since Roman times but also in household cleaners and personal hygiene. Pumice stones are abrasive, but also soft and hygienic, making it perfect for use on the body. There are no chemicals and it’s non-toxic. They are also sustainable to source and harvest – many volcanoes provide a near-infinite supply of pumice. 

So why do some people think pumice stones are bad for your feet?

Is Pumice Stone Good for Skin?

In the vast majority of cases, yes.

Using pumice stones and other such files on the feet should be avoided by people with diabetes. This is because diabetes can cause circulation problems and a lack of feeling in the feet. The concern is that people with diabetes might not feel the pumice working and cut their feet, which are then more prone to infection and further health issues.

This same warning might have been heard by other people who aren’t diabetic and misinterpreted that pumice is always dangerous. 

The other possibility is that someone has used a pumice stone previously and had a bad experience and cut themselves with some over-zealous abrasion! It’s not the pumice itself that’s the problem, but the technique. These stones are quite alien and unfamiliar in their form – it’s not really a surprise for people pick them up and feel confused!

To get the best results from your pumice stone in the way that’s best for your skin you just need to take your time and follow a few simple steps.

The Basics of Using a Pumice Stone

First, soak your feet for a while, ideally at least ten minutes. This gets your skin nice and soft. Next, rub your feet with the pumice lightly. You don’t need to be rough. Gentle rubbing for longer is much better for your skin than just a few very rough strokes. Then rinse off your pumice and carefully dry and moisturise your feet. That seems pretty simple and in reality, it is. The art is in making sure your feet are soft enough for pumice and some may have to soak them for quite some time. Also, it’s best to work in stages, especially when dealing with thicker areas of skin. Never try and remove the whole layer of dead skin in one. Be patient and careful whilst observing the area for redness. Always stop if you feel pain or think the area has become too irritated. Apply soothing disinfectant cream and moisturiser after if necessary. 

Your pumice should be rinsed and allowed to dry after each use to keep it in good condition.

Pumice stone is good for skin and doesn’t cause any problems if you use it gently and avoid if you have diabetes.

Photo by Frank Vex on Unsplash

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