Choosing the right comedone extractor for your skin

If you are troubled by pimples, the word ‘comedone extractor’ might have seized your curiosity many times. You may be planning to buy a comedone extractor or you may be already having one in your beauty-box .Whatever be it, by the end of the day you want to do away with your pimple. You might have seen a variety of comedone extractors, the tiny thin rod with a shiny loop, the rod with a sharp lancet or a flat rod with two spoons at the end and many more. It seems there is little sense to break your head while buying a tiny metal rod. But the fact is, if you truly want to rule out your pimples, you have to make a thoughtful choice of your comedone extractor.

The next time you step out to buy a comedone extractor, you go to the mirror and have a careful look at your pimples. The choice of your comedone extractor depends a lot on the type of pimples you want to get rid of. There are different typecasts of pimples, the whiteheads, the blackheads or comedones, pimples and vesicles. If the pore gets clogged with oil, dead skin and bacterium, the upper surface gets darkened which we call as black head, but if the pore closes and accumulates the pus near the surface, it called a whitehead.

Did you know? Even the material of the extractor you use matters a lot. Make sure you buy a come done extractor made of chromium or stainless steel whatever be your pimple type. Here are a few tips to select comedone extractors according to three broad pimple types:

  • If you have a big blackhead, use a comedone extractor with a spoon end which pushes out your black head without inducing any harm to your skin.
  • If you have a big white head, use a come done extractor with a sharp lancet, which can be used to pierce out all the pus from the pimple. While using a lancet you need to be very careful and it’s better if you take the help of a professional.

Smaller whiteheads or blackheads can be extracted using the fine loop extractor i.e. the comedone extractor having a fine loop at the end. This helps in removing your whiteheads with minimal commotion with the other pores on the surface area.

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