Strangest Acne Treatments That Will Make You Look Twice – Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You!

If you suffer from problematic, persistent acne and you can stomach the rest of this blog post, you are stronger than you think! Sometimes, acne can get so difficult that regular OTC treatments, DIY masks and naturopathy remedies just don’t cut it. Through the years, there have been some pretty madcap treatments to address the issue of acne. From dryer sheets to banana peels and even coal, people have tried and tested these unusual acne treatments that have apparently worked!

1.   Bird Droppings

Do a Claudia Connell with the bird droppings! History-wise, bird droppings go way back to the period of the Geishas in Japan, where the droppings of nightingales were turned into facial masks and applied overnight. It is said to have medicinal properties and retains the elasticity and the youthfulness of the skin.

2.   Snail Mucus

Snail mucus has effectively made its way into global skincare markets and is best-known for its restorative properties. For those of you who suffer from scarring post-acne or have damaged tissue, snail mucus is believed to be the elixir! The mucus is often mixed with facial packs and applied directly onto the skin. Countless women and even a few celebrities have vouched for it.

3.   Coal Tar

Many of us know that coal tar is effective in removing blackheads. But how many know that applying coal tar topically, can help promote the growth of new cells? Coal tar is particularly useful for those suffering from rosacea and psoriasis because of its keratoplastics properties.

4.   Urine Therapy

Urine therapy is considered a very potent therapy for pimples and fungal infections. The Urea present in urine cleanses bacteria from the pores, mitigates the appearance of pimples and also locks the skins’ moisture. A number of celebrities like Madonna and Kesha swear by the urine therapy because of its organic compounds.

5.   Banana Peels

Probably the least strange of the lot, banana peels contain lutein, potassium and a host of Vitamins that help curb inflammation on the skin and also helps heal damaged skin!

If you feel brave enough, go for these treatments, but make sure you consult with your physician before trying any of these on your own at home!

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