Rose water recipes for an acne free skin

Rose water is one of the finest natural toners for acne free skin. It has many fold virtues.  It is a natural ingredient which removes extra oil from your skin, soothes irritation and sensitivity, calms sunburn and repairs aging skin. All these goodness of rose water is attributed to it richness of antioxidants and anti inflammatory agents. It is also a strong antiseptic. No wonder rose water is the best choice for one who is worrying over acnes. Another advantage of rose water is that, it is an ingredient for many home made face masks. Three home-made rose water face recipes which suits three different skin types are listed out as follows:

Rose water works wonder for oily skin: If you have acne and oily skin, use rose water with apple cider vinegar. 30 ml of rose water mixed with 5 ml of apple cider vinegar makes a wondrous face –mask for oily skin. If your skin is oilier you may increase the vinegar amount in the mixture, while if your skin get dry add glycerin to the mixture.  This mixture will maintain your skin’s PH balance and reduce your acnes.

Rose water goodness for a dry skin: Glycerin and rose water is an awesome recipe for dry skin. Glycerin is humectant which absorbs required moisture from the environment and nourishes your skin. Store this mixture in a cool and dry place. This is a simple and friendly recipe which is sober on your skin and is effective.

Rose water virtue for a combination skin:  Rose water, glycerin and apple cider vinegar all mixed together yields the best results for a combination skin. It is the superlative way to balance PH of a combination skin.

These mixtures, is applied with a cotton wad works the best. Dip a cotton wad into the mixture and apply it gently on skin.

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