Prevent pimples and blackheads with your platter

When you look at a mirror and you are stared back by pimples or blackheads then you have something wrong in your daily platter which is triggering your breakouts frequently. So in order to bring your acne treatments into effect you have to bring in simultaneous change to your diet to watch your acnes going off. Studies show that diet have direct link with breakouts. From your breakfast to dinner, every meal that you feed on determines your skin health in long run. So, the next time you arrange the items on your platter, be a bit astute to select skin-friendly stuffs.

Here we list some upheld food choices for healthy skin:

  1. Green tea, the green potion of vitality: Green tea contains powerful antioxidants which reduce the size of sebaceous glands. The particular antioxidant EGCG also reduces sebum production. Drink at least two cups of green tea a day to keep pimples and blackheads away.
  2. Juices, the yummy drinks for thirst and skin duo: Fresh fruit juices contain too many good things to mention at a go; beta-carotenes, phytonutrients, antioxidants and the list goes on. All you need to do is to drink them, at least a glass a day.
  3. Probiotics: A clean gut appears in a clean skin. Probiotics reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which helps to reduce acne breakouts. Ensure intake of probiotics like, yogurt, dark chocolate, pickles and kombucha tea.
  4. Fish or flaxseed: Eating fishes full of omega-3 fatty acids helps to reduce breakouts and tame inflammation.
  5. The goodness of grains: Oats, oat bran, barley and brown rice falls in the family of whole grains. These food are rich in selenium which is a trace mineral needed for maintaining healthy skin.

Dark berries: Berries are rich in vitamin-c and antioxidants which help in repairing the tissues in our body and heals our acne prone skin.

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