Shaving Tip 1/8 – Pre-Shave Ritual

Of course, shaving requires some practice and the learning process is ongoing and changes with time. Considering how long many of us may spend shaving throughout our lives, it’s certainly a process worth learning to enjoy!

To get the best out of your shaves, you firstly need to establish a pre-shave ritual.

We don’t always have time to thoroughly prep ourselves before a shave, say if we roll out of bed in the morning and realise our stubble has crept up a lot more than we expected. However, at least some form of pre-shave ritual is essential and when you do have all the time in the world, putting some real effort into preparation will do your shave the world of good.

3 Steps Towards the Perfect Pre-Shave Ritual

1) Wash

Whenever you can, shave after taking a warm shower. This is the best way to open up your pores and allow your hair and skin to soften up the natural way. Failing a shower, washing your face in warm water is the next best thing. You can also rest a moist hot towel over your face to emulate what the barber might do for a professional shave.

2) Exfoliate

Either whilst in the shower or while washing your face, use a scrub or exfoliator to remove dead skin and other particles that can clog up your razor. This will help your razor glide over your face smoothly.

3) Use Some Pre-Shave Product

We tend to over-focus on shaving creams and foams but pre-shave products such as oils and tonics can add finesse to your pre-shave ritual. Tonics are thinner and less greasy, ideal for thicker beards. Oils and creams are instead most effective for shorter, sharper beards.

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