4 Ways To Make A Bad Acne Day, Better!

Okay ladies, you’ve got that ugly zit dead centre on your forehead and sometimes you feel like slapping on a paper bag over your head and crying. We’ve all felt embarrassment and disgust with our breakouts at some point in our lives. But let’s face it; face washes and ridiculous surgical treatments don’t necessarily always work and are almost always expensive! Give yourself a break and learn how to go easy on your skin. If you’ve woken up one morning and feel like you’ve been whitewashed by acne, don’t give up just yet. Banishing pimples may take time, but if you are looking for quick solutions, here are 4 ways that can instantly make a bad acne day, seem better –

1.  Know that ‘NO ONE CARES’

If you’ve ever had good friends, supportive parents or a caring partner, you’ll know that this one is true. People have better things to do than stare endlessly at that constellation of pimples on your cheek. Even if your friends or loved ones do notice them, just remember that they don’t care! No body cares about your pimples except you. Save yourself all the stress, do a crazy updo and walk out with confidence.

2.  Wear Bold Lipstick

Distract yourself by picking out a nice, bold shade of red lipstick or whatever color your like. Wear it with confidence and you’ll slowly realize that you are drawing attention away from your pimples. Also, bold lipstick colors are a mood booster. If you felt like cancelling your dinner plans and staying in because of a zit, you’ll be able to counter the dreadful feeling if you pop some color on.

3.  Talk To A Friend About It

Sometimes you feel trapped and wonder, ‘Are they staring at it?’ In order to escape the pimple-afflicted feel, talk to a close friend about it and your paranoia will definitely reduce. For all you know, your friend might even deny noticing the pimple in the first place! A definite stress-buster.

4.  Use Acne-Friendly Make-Up

This one never gets old. Change your make up brushes and replace your old make up products every 6 months. Never compound your acne with heavy, oil-based makeup. Look for lighter alternatives that are acne-friendly and you are good to go!

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