Curing Pimple with Toothpaste

There are a significant number of people, who believe home remedies are far better than chemical based skin products. The good old toothpaste is one of the effective ways in treating pimples. Yes, it sounds a little weird but it is actually the most effective ways to mitigate pimples. Toothpaste is a pleasant remedy for pimples because it does not irritate the skin and works to clear the skin most of time. According to studies, why toothpaste works is because it contains ingredients like hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and alcohol – all the ingredients which are known to cure pimples.

How toothpaste is effective in treating pimples?

  • The toothpaste helps reduce redness and swelling and prevent the bacterial infection from spreading to other skin areas.
  • It dries out and shrinks the pimples.
  • Most toothpaste contains triclosan and traces of hydrogen peroxide, which eliminates bacteria.
  • The bleaching property of toothpaste, heal the acne and other dark spots on the skin.
  • It contains baking soda which exfoliates impurities and balances the pH level of the skin.
  • Silica inside the toothpaste is able to heal the damaged skin.

What is the right toothpaste to treat pimples?

  • Stay away from toothpaste with artificial colors.
  • Do not use gel based toothpaste as the ingredients are different from regular toothpaste.
  • It has to be made sure that your skin is not allergic to the toothpaste.
  • Check the ingredients on the pack on the toothpaste, to ensure it contains ingredients like baking soda, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Stick to organic and natural ingredients as they contain fewer harsh chemicals.
  • Toothpaste with bleach is known to irritate skin. People with darker skin tones need to be careful as bleach is known to react with melanin.

How to Use Toothpaste?

  • Wash your hands to avoid infecting other pores.
  • Apply the paste directly onto the pimples.
  • Leave it for up to 2hrs or overnight
  • Rinse with cool water and pat dry with a cold towel
  • Repeat the process once a day

This is one of the pimple remedies that will help treat pimples, but for cases where a pimple breakout has occurred, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist and take the medicines prescribed.

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