Why Coconut Oil Is The Holy Grail Of Acne Remedies

Coconut oil contains clarifying properties and comprises of all the constituents that help fight acne and acne scars. Due to its protective properties, coconut oil also replenishes the skin and helps reduce inflammation. There are however, countless debates that have suggested that too much coconut oil could in turn, cause flare-ups on the face. It all eventually comes down to how the coconut oil is used on the affected areas and how to discern the right type of coconut oil from the wrong one. Find out –

  1.   Make A Face Mask

Make a homemade mask with coconut oil. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off or have a shower with warm water. The mask may feel sticky, but is extremely effective when it comes to battling acne. Mix 1 tbsp. of honey, fresh aloe vera sap and the 2 tbsp. of coconut oil and leave it on your face. Using this mix twice a week can do the trick!

  2.   Use It As Nightly Moisturizer

If you think that making a mask is too much of hard work, squeeze a small amount of coconut oil on your palm (not too much) and use it as you would use a night cream/moisturizer before going to bed. What this essentially does is it locks the moisture in the skin and also locks pores. If you are worried about your face getting too greasy, you could alternatively mix a few drops of coconut oil with your regular moisturizer and apply it the same way.

How To Pick The Right Coconut Oil

The effectiveness of coconut oil depends upon its composition and quality. When picking coconut oil for treating acne scars or zits, here’s what you need to know –

  • Invest in a good brand. Don’t go for something just because it is cheap. These oils are almost always of compromised quality.
  • When you are picking coconut oil for yourself, make sure that the aroma of the oil is not too pungent. The best and the most effective coconut oils have almost no scent.
  • Sometimes, coconut oils may appear beige or a dark yellow. It’s best to avoid these coconut oils. Always pick the coconut oil that is translucent and is absorbed quickly by the skin.
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