How To Choose The Right Cleanser For Acne-Prone Skin

Those suffering from acne will know what it is like to hear those 3 dreaded words on a regular basis – Cleanse, tone, moisturize! Yes, maintaining a regular skin care routine is especially imperative if you suffer from severe breakouts and if you want to have manageable, clearer skin. While it is easy to go by commercials and pick out cleansers and moisturizers that catch your eye, you need to be on guard when it comes to picking out the right cleansers for your specific skin type and acne condition. Here are a few pointers to remember before you make that monthly/bi-monthly investment for your skin –

  • If you suffer from moderate to severe acne, all the more reason for you to pick out cleaners that are water-based and contain minimum amount of alcohol content. Look for cleansers that contain Vitamin-E or tea-tree extract.
  • When in doubt, always turn the bottle around and check the ingredients. You don’t want to be going in for a product that contains a large amount of fragrance, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or any other chemical that can further aggravate irritated skin.
  • Opt for organic cleansers with natural vegetable extracts. They are a better alternative to the regular cleansers and will not dry out your skin. You should specifically look for cleansers that tackle your core acne concern. For instance – blemish clearing organic cleansers or organic cleansers for sensitive skin.
  • If you believe that a more expensive cleanser will work better for your skin, think again!
  • Don’t blindly follow television commercials or those fancy billboard ads. Do your own research on a product. Find out if your friends or family members have used the cleanser or read online reviews on multiple websites to see what people have to say about the product.
  • Get it approved by your doctor. You don’t want to be using a product that will offset your acne treatment.

No matter what the goal is to pick out the right cleanser, people want to see ‘results’ when it comes to managing difficult acne, at the end of the day. Ergo, make sure you do your homework before you invest in a cleanser for your acne woes.

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