Top Tips on Applying Makeup For Acne Skin

Let’s face facts. Acne sucks and there is no better way to put it. When you wake up to a face full of acne or worse, a body full of bod-ne, don’t you feel like crawling back into bed and covering yourself up for eternity? But there’s a silver lining. If you want a quick solution, opt for quality, skin-friendly makeup. The common mistakes that people do at this juncture is cake their faces with it and end up looking worse than they did before. If you still want to look yourself sans the acne, here are a few top tips on applying makeup for acne skin!

  • Prep Your Skin

You need to prep your skin otherwise the makeup can get flaky and by the 3rd hour, your zits would have started to show again. Wash, exfoliate, tone and moisturize your skin. Once that is done, run an ice cube over your skin. Not only will it calm the itchiness and the swelling from the acne, it will also tighten your pores, so that your makeup stays for longer.

  • Use Your Fingertips

Never use a heavy hand with makeup! By heavy hand, we mean, using your palms to dab or rub in the foundation. When you use your fingertips, you’ll use a lot less and you can blend in the makeup in slow, circular motions. Using your fingertips will also help you apply makeup in all those small, tricky areas on your face, covering your acne completely.

  • Color Correctors & Brightness

Acne can make your face look dull and sometimes, even leave your skin tone looking uneven. What you need at this stage, is a good concealer and light foundation to make sure that your skin tone is even. If you can still see the acne scars through the layers of concealer and foundation, don’t make the mistake of re-applying it! Use mineral color correctors instead. Dab a little bit onto each scar and gently blend it in with your fingertips and voila!

  • Invest In A Good Makeup Remover

A good makeup routine for acne skin also involves a post-makeup routine. Use a good makeup remover and repeat the exfoliate, tone, moisturize routine to allow your skin to breathe at the end of the day. This is especially important if you want to re-apply the makeup next morning!

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