Acne Hacks For Your Wedding Day

So, the big day is approaching and your wedding preparations are in full swing. The clock is ticking away and pretty soon, you’ll be exchanging vows and saying ‘I do’ to the person of your dreams. The day before your wedding, you wake up in the morning feeling like a bride but not looking like one, courtesy the large ugly zit dead centre on your forehead. You panic and opt for home-made packs, drinking gallons of water and even experiment with makeup on your own. But nothing seems to work. If you think you have gotten yourself into a rut before your big day and you are looking for simple but effective acne hacks, here’s what you can do –

    1.  Do Not Panic

It may be easier said than done, but panicking is only going to add to the stress and can also double the chances of more zits appearing on your face before the wedding. Stay happy, optimistic and take solace in the fact that acne is a normal condition that affects a large number of adults. Stress and panic can also rob you of your pre-wedding glow.

    2.  Steaming

Steaming is a miracle procedure that opens up pores, reduces inflammation on the skin and makes you look fresh. If you have tried every remedy in the book, try it in combination with steaming for quicker results. If popping the pimple is on your mind, steaming will make the process easier by opening up the pores and allowing for a quick and hassle-free pop.

    3.  Drink Probiotics ….And Water!

Water is the most potent remedy for treating acne and flushing out toxins from the inside though the results may not be quick enough. If you are running out of time and one day is all you have, flush out the toxins but also send in good bacteria into your body to fight them. Drinking probiotics can help in this case. Do it like the Greeks!

    4.  Invest In A Good Make-Up Artist

Don’t lose heart if that pimple hasn’t disappeared despite your efforts. Maintain a regular face care routine and invest in good make-up artist to take care of the pimple for your wedding day. With some good make-up and glowing confidence, you’ll be the best bride there is!

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